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Two notes about the Lunar Remastered announcement
I finally had that experience where you're mad at somebody in the morning for something they did in a dream.
This post brought to you by Walter. I can barely understand it myself.
Four perspectives from the field of game preservation.
Kei Shigema wrote up a proposal for a Lunar 0, and other Lunar news
Thoughts on the Lunar: The Silver Star Beep21 interviews
Followup on the state of Lunar
It doesn't matter whether the Lunars are on that damn mini console
Unpopular opinions, FF6 fan remixes edition
An overview of elements Lunar borrowed from Ys Book I & II
Let's take a look at a bunch of early-game Lunar: The Silver Star screenshots.
Fandoms I have known, part one
System sellers
It is the first day of meteorological winter. It is therefore an utterly perfect time to take a look at scary games I've recently played.
This might as well just become a full-time Lunar blog.
The narrative failures of Ys II
And so endeth the Skeb saga.
"Are you confusing me with someone else?"
Sketchiness at Skeb?! (a.k.a.: The Assuredly Incomplete Guide to Potential Pitfalls When Dealing with Skeb)
I didn't know that Elvis had recorded a version of "Blue Moon." I've always been familiar with the Sha Na Na version from Grease.
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