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Woolie Madden protocol (that's: SHUT THE FUCK UP) and Angelique
Maren before Maren? (ANGELIQUE-far from mind of the calls-)
Contracts signed when you are day-drunk are not legally binding (Angelique Luminarise pt. 1)
Mirror of the Sanctuary (not on the CD series)
This post brought to you by Walter. I can barely understand it myself.
Angelique news desk (mostly personal updates, not actual news)
Commemorating victory as our Barrows forefathers: with a self-indulgent listicle.
My First DDOS
Angelique Luminarise Questionnaire for the Guardians partial translation
Morality is simply the attitude we adopt towards the twinks we dislike.
But then, what would I expect from a festival headed by a Kamil main.
Since this is evidently a fanart blog now.
Well, look who shows their face after all this time.
Updates about updates are the lowest form of conversation.
Pairings of art and prose that reminded me of two light-bearing gentlemen from video games.
Angelique Luminarise select Twitter Q&A translations: all-Shuri special
Angelique Luminarise select Twitter Q&A translations: Lorenzo, Xeno
Angelique Luminarise select Twitter Q&A translations: Noah, Felix, Milan
So they've put up a trailer for Angelique Luminarise.
Angelique Luminarise "At the Park" short story translation
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